To combat the current and future pandemics, preparedness and response present essential global public good. The coronavirus pandemic has exposed some of the fragility in globalisation and the risk posed to public health and wellbeing. It is important now more than ever for the world to work towards rigorous cooperation in healthcare systems, access, and delivery. The interconnectivity of the world makes this an important aspect of preparedness and readiness for future public health challenges.
According to the OECD, despite increased mobilisation after the 2014-2016 Ebola crisis, investment in pandemics preparedness and response has been insufficient. Countries must constantly review and evaluate investments in this regard; spending on research and development, education and awareness, access to credible, verifiable information and communication systems, ethical use of social media platforms and their role in public health and wellbeing, Lifescience and the healthcare sector.
Sharing and using technological expertise cannot be overemphasised in this instance. The impact and pressure that the Covid -19 pandemic has placed on frontline workers in the healthcare sector and other essential services are all too glaring considering the statistics on the rates of infection and fatalities among workers in these sectors. The response needs to be premised on a joined-up collaborative approach, as this pandemic has shown, all sectors are impacted by a public health crisis. To provide cover and the necessary back up to the public and frontline workers, in particular, the role of the Life Science sector is fundamental in preparing and responding effectively to global pandemics.
As the coronavirus pandemic is lowering the demand for chronic treatments, reducing the range of healthcare providers, and disrupting global supply chains and internal business operations, there is a massive burden imposed on the corporate environment primarily due to the effect on employees’ wellbeing. For instance, the medical device sector has been impacted profoundly due to the consequences of the pandemic on-demand in the healthcare sector.